How Elsevier Evolved in the Face of Threat from Open Science
Interview with Laura Hassink, Senior Vice President of Publishing Transformation at Elsevier
Interview with Laura Hassink, Senior Vice President of Publishing Transformation at Elsevier
How publishers went from resisting open access to making it a profitable model
An expert on Japan’s science and technology policy explains F1000’s role in shaping scholarly publishing
Interview with F1000 Research’s Managing Director, Rebecca Lawrence
A look into what an unprecedented partnership means to open access publishing
An interview with Khor Khiam Aik of NTU Singapore
How Korea’s Sungkyunkwan University transformed into a global research university
Interview with Katy McKen, Head of Information and Impact, University of Bath
Interview with LSE’s Rachel Middlemas and Kieran Booluck
Interview with Jo Lakey, REF Delivery Director, King’s College London
Interview with Natalie Wall, Research Impact Manager, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)
Q&A with university impact officers in UK universities
These case studies illustrate the impact REF can have on society
Freewheeling chat with Zhejiang University’s Global Communications team